The Aura

Our Energy Fields


On a nice sunny day try gazing at the blue sky. After a while you may see tiny globules of orgone energy making squiggly patterns before your eyes. They may appear as tiny white balls, sometimes with black spots, that appear for a second or two, leave a slight trail and then disappear. The brighter the day and the clearer the air the faster and brighter the globules will be.

This is the Universal Energy.

If you observe the edge of the aura of a tree you may notice the aura absorbing the tiny globules.

All living matter has an energy field surrounding it. Scientists define it as somewhere between matter and energy. Since childhood you have been aware of a subconscious level of the different energy fields surrounding people. Some people you like instantly, whereas you may feel uncomfortable around others. This is due largely to the negative or positive energies flowing through their auric field .

The difference between etheric matter and physical matter is a difference of frequency.

It is a well known principal within physics that energy of different frequencies can coexist within the same space without destructive interaction. For example we are constantly surrounded by energetic frequencies from T.V. and radio waves which are beyond our capabilities of perception . Our eyes and ears are not sensitive enough to pick up these frequencies. As soon as you turn on a TV set  these normally invisible energies become translated into energies of visible light and audible sound.

The aura is based on the existence of a vital force which pervades the whole universe, keeping it in order and harmony. This life force is important to Taoist philosophy with its central concept of Chi, and  to the ancient Hindus with Prana, a concept of life force which fuelled the great system of Yoga.

In the 1950’s at Yale University, Dr Harold Saxton Burr, rendered the electrical nature of the aura. He showed that the energy field appears at the moment of fertilisation. He showed the correspondence between the high levels of energy in the field of a

well person and the low levels in a person seeming to be ill.


There are seven basic layers of the aura. The layers of the aura vibrate at a different frequencies, have an individual character and are independent of each other. Each individual layer penetrates the body and extends outward.        

Each successive layer has a higher frequency and extends further out from the body than the lower frequency layer beneath it. 





Each layer of the Aura corresponds to one of the basic seven chakras and has a connected emotional or psychological need or purpose related to that  chakra.         

The Chakras act as energy transformers, stepping down energy  from higher to lower frequencies to allow them to be assimilated into the physical body. The first layer corresponding to the first chakra etc.


The Etheric Body (First Layer): is composed of tiny energy lines that extend from 1 to 5 cm beyond the physical body.

This is the bluish white haze that can be easily seen around the body. There is an exercise to see the Aura below.

This layer pulsates rapidly like a wave around the body.

The Etheric body consists of a definite structure of lines of force, or energy matrix, upon which the physical matter of the body tissues is shaped and anchored. The physical body is a replica of the Etheric Body.

Within the Etheric energetic map is carried information which guides the cellular growth of the physical structure of the body. It is here that the information for foetal growth is stored as well as the structural data for growth and repair of the adult body should damage or disease occur.

The physical body is dependent upon and energetically connected to the Etheric body to the extent that it can not exist without it. If the Etheric field becomes distorted, physical disease will soon follow. This layer is associated with the functioning of our physical body and physical sensation.

The Etheric Body is the bridge between the physical and spiritual bodies.

Its name relates to Ether, being the state between energy and matter.    


The Emotional Body: (Second Layer) : Extends  2.5 to 7.5 cms from the body. This layer is associated with feelings and our personal relationship to ourselves.   


Emotions are energy in motion.

Suppressed emotions become stagnant, blocked energy.

Positive release of emotions allow the energy to be channelled out rather than suppressed in the system.  “ Allow your feelings to flow” .


The Mental Body (Third Layer): Extends from 7.5 cm to 20 cm from the physical body.    


The Astral Level ( Fourth Layer): This layer extends out approx. 15cm to 45 cm from the body.    


The Etheric Template Body (Fifth Layer): Extends approx. 30 to 65 cm from body.  

The Celestial Body (Sixth Level): This is the emotional level of the spiritual plane. This level extends approx. 60cm to 80 cm from the body. 

The Ketheric Template Or Causal Body (Seventh Layer): This is the mental level of the spiritual plane. It extends from 75cm to 100cm from the body.

The outer form is the egg shape of the aura body containing all the auric bodies associated with this incarnation. It appears as tiny threads of of gold-silver light . It contains a golden grid structure of the physical body and all the chakras. The golden egg shape extends out beyond the body some 90cm to 100cm. This may extend out many many metres to kilometres depending on the spiritual state of the person.

This level also contains the main power current that runs up and down the spine and is the main power current that nourishes the whole body.

There is an outer edge that appears similar to an egg shell, which contains and protects all levels of the aura. It has a thickness of about 1 to 3 cm.  

The Cosmic Plane:

There are additional layers of the aura related to the eighth and ninth chakras above the head. There is very little reference to these except for a description of alternating between fluid and form.

I highly recommend, “Hands Of Light” and “Light Emerging” by Barbara Ann Brennan for further in depth description of the Human Energy Field .


Seeing The Aura:


We all have psychic skills and are able to see,  feel or perceive energy and Auras in some way.

It takes practice, a few basic steps and lots of patience.

I have had many students, delighted and amazed at seeing the glimpses of flowing energy and the soft gentle colours of the Auric field.
1- Sit somewhere in front of a white or pale coloured wall, preferably in subdued natural light.
The wall should be plain and not textured in appearance.
2- Sit a few metres in front of your subject and look at a point about 5 cm. above their head.
3- Let your eyes relax and go slightly out of focus.
Don’t move your eyes, although you may blink if necessary.
4- Become aware of the periphery of your vision as well as what is  straight ahead of your subject’s head.

Watch also the outline of their head and shoulders .

Relax and wait for the images to build up.

The radiance of the energy field should show within a 1/2 to 1 minute or so.


Note that if you do move your eyes you will get a flash of an after image, which is a true optical illusion. You only see the aura when you don’t move your eyes. So it is important to learn the technique of looking without eye movement.

Energy continually flows within the Auric field, so you no sooner see it and it can be gone again.


You may also like to look at a candle and visualise the flame as the body of a person and the glow similar to the aura. Learn to distinguish between the flame and the glow. If possible have a person sitting behind the candle so  that you can gaze into the flame and then quickly look up to see if you can see their Aura.


Another way of perceiving the field, is to feel it.

Try looking at the person and thinking of what colour you perceive around them.

Usually the first thought that comes into your head will be reasonably accurate.

Try having someone sit in front of you and imagine a colour being drawn into or sent out from their Crown Chakra. You may either see a funnel of colour around the top of their head or you may feel a colour or just know     that it is green or blue etc.

Ask the person which colour they were thinking of.

See how close you were in picking up a colour by seeing or feeling it.


Your own aura may be felt or observed by placing your hands together and then slightly pulling them apart and then back together. You may feel a sensation of pushing slightly against a resistance.

Practice by rubbing your hands together and then repeat this gentle push and pull between your hands. This is  one of the best ways of sensitising your hands to “ feel” the energy field of the body. 




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